Eucalyptus Gully Gum Essential Oil

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  • $14.00
  • Regular price $14.00
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eucalyptus smithii

Steam distilled from the leaves the oil is clear/ cloudy and orange/yellow  in  colour.

content  1,8 cineole, usually between 75% - 85% .

It has a beautful top note - quite sophisticated.

it is a great blender in all your sinus and air passages formulations, adding complexity without the camphor.

It is closer in odour to polybractea than any other euc oil that we stock

Please note some essential oils, particularly those which are highly volatile,  
will affect the epoxy resin lining and you may find some of this lining sedimenting in your oil.   
Do not be alarmed - it wont affect the quality of the oil and you can filter this out.
Please use protective clothing when dealing with eucalytpus oil